
歡快的英文敬拜讚美歌曲|愛神的歌兒唱不完 We Can't Stop Singing Songs of Love for God 【MV】

愛神的歌兒唱不完,越唱心裡越甘甜 We can’t stop singing songs of love for God. The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.

越唱愛神的歌兒心裡越愛神! The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

歌唱神已道成肉身,我們被提到寶座前 We sing of God’s incarnation. We’re raised before His throne,

不再望天苦苦祈盼,全能神與我們面對面 and no longer look to heaven, longing. Almighty God’s face to face with us.

發表真理牧養我們,活靈活現在我們身邊 He shepherds us with truths, by our sides, true and real.

我們天天享受神的話語,明白真理心甘甜 We enjoy His words each day. Understanding truth feels so sweet.

看見神可愛的容顏,心中對神充滿愛戀 Our heart is full of love for God, for we see His lovely countenance.

唱歌跳舞來讚美,神的可愛說不完 We sing and dance in praise, no words to describe His loveliness.

愛神的歌兒唱不完,越唱心裡越甘甜 We can’t stop singing songs of love for God. The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.

越唱愛神的歌兒心裡越愛神! The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

我們歌唱神帶來公義審判,話語潔淨拯救我們 We sing of God’s righteous judgment. His words cleanse and save us,

神話揭示人撒但本性,剖開人類敗壞真相 revealing man’s satanic nature and truth of man’s corruption.

潔淨我們的撒但性情,把我們變化成新人 His words purify our satanic dispositions, making us new people.

我們脫離撒但權勢,看見神愛太真實 We’ve cast off forces of Satan. We see God’s love is true.

神的公義聖潔太可愛,我們愛之不夠 His righteousness is lovely, His holiness so sweet. We cannot love Him enough.

情不自禁讚美神,我們與神親密無間 So we praise God; we can’t contain our feelings. Nothing can come between us and God. 愛神的歌兒唱不完,越唱心裡越甘甜 We can’t stop singing songs of love for God. The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.

越唱愛神的歌兒心裡越愛神! The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

國度生活神話掌權,我們活在光明中 God’s word rules in the life of the kingdom. We live within the light.

得著真理釋放自由,心靈誠實敬拜神 Gaining truth has set us free. We worship God with heart, with honesty.

成為神的知心人,忠心事奉擔重擔 We’ve become His intimates, faithfully serving Him.

盡心盡意盡本分,愛神路上永向前 We bear a burden for Him, fulfill our duties truly, always progressing on the path of loving God.

今能愛神順服神,為神活著最幸福 Now we can love and submit to God, living for Him, this is the greatest joy.

全能神我們讚美你,我們永遠敬拜你! Almighty God, we praise You! We’ll worship You into eternity!

愛神的歌兒唱不完,越唱心裡越甘甜 We can’t stop singing songs of love for God. The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.

越唱愛神的歌兒心裡越愛神! The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

——摘自《跟隨羔羊唱新歌》 from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs



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